I have been asked if I would be interested in developing an on-line
statistics for behavioral sciences course for my community college. 
I've been teaching the course for 8 years in the traditional lecture
style and loving it, but I greatly intrigued by this opportunity.  Also
statistics is a highly impacted course.  Most students need to take this
class or other math/statistics courses in order to transfer to the state
university...  In addition, the college is very interested in reaching
out to students whose schedules do not allow them much flexibility for
attending regular classes.  I would just like to hear what some other
stats and non-stats folks think about teaching a course like this in the
distance learning-computer format.  Personally, I'm looking forward to
the challenges of communicating mathematical concepts in this medium,
but I am unsure of the extent to which students will find it workable. 
Anyone out there doing a distance learning stats?
Judith Roberts
Behavioral Sciences Department
City College of San Francisco

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