Title: FW: Coming up on Dateline NBC
Might be worth taping for use when discussing personality disorders...

Beth Benoit
University System of New Hampshire
From: "Dateline NBC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 1 Sep 2004 11:15:46 -0700
Subject: Coming up on Dateline NBC

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For years, Stone Phillips and Jane Pauley anchored Dateline side by side. Tonight they sit across from each other for a conversation unlike any they've ever had.

In her new autobiography, Jane reveals that several years ago she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It's a revelation that surprised many of her fans and floored most of those who worked with Jane -- including Stone. Few people knew she'd been that ill, and that during a leave from NBC, she'd been admitted to a psychiatric clinic.

Jane says she decided if only one good thing came out of her experience, it would be the opportunity to raise awareness about bipolar disorder.

Tonight, in her most in-depth interview, she talks about her illness and her image with candor, and her usual touch of humor.

That's tonight, on Dateline Wednesday, at 9pm ET, 8pm CT on NBC.

WWW.DATELINE.MSNBC.COM <http://g.msn.com/0NL64096/540>  

ADVERTISEMENT  The Jane Pauley Show
Jane Pauley is coming to daytime! The Jane Pauley Show premieres on Monday, August 30, 2004. This daily talk show will address topics relevant to today's generation of women. Check your local listings to find out when and where you can watch, or click here <http://g.msn.com/0NL64096/542> .

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