I am not familiar with the research saying they don't do better on makeup exams.  I give make-ups for all chapter exams (on 2-3 chapters each).  In my experience, some students do no better or, rarely, they do worse, but most do improve, with some doing dramatically better, up to 20 points higher.  The students do not like to study again unless it's helpful and yet many will take the makeup, which is optional but not required. The universal request at the end-of-term evaluations is to keep giving make- ups.
At NITOP this past January, there was a presentation of research saying that repeated testing leads to better retention and understanding, which has been my experience for my Intro course.  Part of the difference in results may relate to the time interval between the original exam and the make-up,  whether there is a change in format and difficulty level, and whether the makeup is considered a way to increase learning or only to comply with a need to accommodate student requests for a makeup.
Riki Koenigsberg
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