Are these stats of individuals accepted into programs or just those who applied?

At 12:46 AM 5/3/2006, you wrote:
I'm avoiding reading the same apa style manuscript for correction over 
and over and over 40 times again and again; hence: I played around 
with these stats and here is what I found:
         Verbal            Quantitative             Analytical Writing
         N               Mean    N       Mean    N       Mean
2001 Clinical Psych     16,862  483      16,851   556     10,253   4.5
2002 Cognitive Psych    1,149    529     1,148    630      692     4.8
2003 Commun Psych       505      444      505      500      318      4.3
2004 Compar Psych       53       522      53       577      29       4.7
2005 Counsel Psych      12,660   445      12,661  505      7,959    4.3
2006 Develop Psych      1,644    477      1,644   560      960      4.5
2007 Exp Psych           926    492      926      573      589      4.5
2008 Ind & Org Psych    3,966    462     3,962    550      2,297   4.4
2009 Personal Psych     183      487      183      580      109      4.4
2010 Physiolog Psych    468      498      469      589      270      4.5
2011 Psycholinguist     64       590      63       658      34       5
2016 Psychology                   3,990  477      3,990    551      2,421   4.5
2012 Psychometrics      40       455      40       543      26       4.2
2013 Psychophrmaclgy    110      515      110      607      65       4.7
2014 Quant Psych                  69     508      69       649      47       4.6
2015 Social Psych       1,921    511      1,921   592      1,216    4.7
2099 Psych?Oth           5,582  455      5,580    529      3,557   4.4
TotalN/Mean               50,192 491      50,175   573     30,842   4.5

3001 Educ Admin                   2,791  427      2,791    523      1,713   4.2
3002 Educ Super                   102    418      102      514      64       3.9
3101 Curric & Inst      2,612    462      2,611   548      1,635    4.4
3201 Early Child Ed     1,418    418      1,418   495      872      4.1
3301 Elem Educ           6,455  443      6,454    527      3,884   4.3
3302 Elem Lev Teach     368      437      368      510      212      4.3
3401 Educ Stat & Res    88       485      88       635      41       4.3
3402 Educ Testing       48       489      48       595      26       4.6
3403 Educ Psych                   1,259  451      1,259    537      756     4.3
3404 Elem&Sec Resch     51       480      51       560      28       4.3
3405 Higher Ed Resch    91       453      91       549      55       4.5
3406 School Psych       3,000    449      3,000   528      1,902    4.4
3501 Educ Policy                  424    501      424      592      267      4.8
3502 Higher Educ                  2,185  458      2,185    539      1,460   4.5
3601 Secondary Educ     7,512    485      7,511   578      4,773    4.5
3602 Sec Lev Teach      820      490      820      572      506      4.5
3701 Educ Gifted Stu    119      490      119      564      73       4.6
3702 Educ Handi Stu     133      432      133      492      81       4.2
3703 Educ Stu Lrn Dis   514      429      514      489      313      4.1
3705 Special Educ       2,335    429      2,335   501      1,449    4.2
3704 Remedial Educ      26       410      26       480
3799 Special Ed?Oth     647      433      647      506      370      4.2
3801 Personnel Srvcs    630      448      630      522      391      4.4
3802 Student Counsel    3,662    424     3,662    496      2,280   4.2
3901 Adult & Cont Ed    172      452      172      511      112      4.1
3908 Agric Educ         111      408      111      513      62       4.1
3902 Bilingual/Cross    333      479      333      562      199      4.4
3903 Educ Media         197      466      196      560      102      4.2
3904 Jr High/Mid Sch    602      444      602      540      401      4.3
3909 Physical Educ      1,450    397      1,449   497      838      3.9
3905 Pre-Elem Educ      35       397      35       483      27       3.8
3906 Social Foundtns    84       491      84       553      53       4.6
3907 Tch Eng 2ndLang    705      480      705      584      447      4.4
3910 Voc/Tech Educ      130      405      130      494      63       4.1
3999 Education?Oth      997      442      997      529      659      4.3
TotalN/Mean               42,106 449      42,101   534     26,114   4.3

0202 Biochemistry       3,256    497      3,256   678      1,718    4.4
0203 Biology              4,812  487      4,812    615      2,854   4.4
0619 Phys Therapy                 10,486 430      10,478   563     6,400    4.2
0808 Physics              3,785  541      3,785    744      2,122   4.5
0304 Organic Chem       2,258    490      2,258   685      1,189    4.4
0213 Neurosciences      2,686    527      2,687   665      1,594    4.6
0402 Computer Sci                 20,262 477      20,263   716     9,566    4.2
TotalN/Mean               47,545 493      47,539   667     25,443   4.4

I got bored with the task, however, and stopped here. I didn't make 
more comparisons but bottom line:
the verbal mean
for psychology  is 491
for education is 449
for misc sciences is 493

the quant mean
for psychology is 573
for education is 534
for misc sciences is 667

the analytic writing mean
for psychology is 4.5
for education is 4.3
for misc sciences is 4.4

So, I don't know if there is all that much difference; yes, it is 
lower for education but not sure what to make of the differences. 
Hence the reason why I got bored and didn't want to invest more time 
in playing around with this.

Back to the same manuscript over and over and over again ;)



In a message dated 5/2/2006 9:43:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

How do I  check out those GRE scores? I'd like to know differences among

Bill Scott

Hi Bill -

The first link is one of the reports provided at the ETS site (second  link).


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Sandra M.  Nagel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Psychology
Saginaw Valley State  University
166 Brown Hall
7400 Bay Road
University Center, MI  48710

Office: (989)  964-4635
Fax: (989) 790-7656


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David T. Wasieleski, Ph.D.
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