To my fellow tipsters still doggedly pursuing the source of the iceberg

Keep at it! We'll find the source yet. That Fechner attribution that we
got earlier seemed so definite, so it should be easy to check. For my
part, as I write this note I sit with a stack of volumes from Strachey's
massive Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund
Freud. I am combing through the entire set, and I will report back to
you when I find something interesting (or don't!)

One of things I wonder about is the possible contaminating effect of
translations. Most of the individuals who are the purported source of
the iceberg analogy wrote in German, so it seems like perhaps the
translation process may affect the form of the statement that we know.

So far as I have been able to determine, the German word for icebarg is
"eisberg" so keep an eye out for that as well I suppose.

-Mike D.

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