Stephen Black dug up:

"Dear God
Why didn't you save the school children in Littleton, Colorado?
A Concerned Student

Dear Concerned Student,
I am not allowed in schools

Not sure how I feel about this, but a friend forwarded it to me today. 

LIke it or not, a common response to "Why is there so much violence in the
school?" is "Because they took God out of the classroom". I'm all for
Jesus, but I'm not quite sure how to respond to that response."

Jim Guinee fires back:
I have no idea how Stephen Black feels justified in thinking I was joking
about Columbine.  The so-called letter and response were clearly meant to
provoke some responses.  My response as anyone can see says "I'm not quite
sure how to respond to that response."

What is funny about that?

Further, the simplistic view that Columbine occurred because "God can't
get a hall pass" is clearly presented in this "letter," and a clear
objective reading of my response indicates I am puzzled how to respond to
that kind of simplistic view.

I think anyone familiar with my critiques of studies on religion and
health know that I have expressed concern about over-relying on religious
explanations for improved health, for scientific AND religious reasons.

Therefore anyone familiar with my responses would know I would never
embrace a simplistic view regarding Columbine or other tragedies.

Now, someone explain to me how this turned into a joke I made, and that I
actually wound up agreeing with such a simplistic sentiment.


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