Jim Guinee wrote...
Second of all, sometimes bible scholars like Ehrman make ridiculously inane
remarks.  I've never met a liberal or conservative Christian who actually
believes the originals of the New Testament exist.

Mike wrote...
WHEW! That's a relief!  However, pardon me if I request that you provide a
little more empirical evidence on this point.  Are you aware of any surveys
or polls on the subject, specifically asking whether:

(a)  a person believes in the literal truth of the Bible and
(b)  whether it would make a difference to the person's belief if the
original texts are missing and we only have copies of
copies that contain errors and
(c)  does the person know that we do not have the original manuscripts for
the New Testaments, only suspect copies
that are known to vary on the same Gospel?

I'd really like to get good empirical data on those points and I eagerly
await your supplying them.

Aubyn writes...
If the question is "Do the physical original copies of New Testament
documents exist?" then I agree with Jim that I have never meant anyone who
believes that. However if the question is "Do we have access to accurate
reproductions of the original New Testament documents?" then I think I have
met a lot of people who believe the answer is yes. These people do not
believe that Jesus and his friends spoke English, but they do believe that
miraculous processes ensured that the KJV and its progeny preserve to the
level of specific words chosen the original texts. Variations in English
translations are either ignored, glossed over, or resolved by focusing on
one translation as more accurate than another (admittedly difficult without
the originals to referee).

In answer to Mike's question a, I am aware of the following from the good
people at Gallup: http://poll.gallup.com/content/?ci=22885 (need to pay for
more details, or sign-up for a 30-day trial, though see here
.shtml for an secondary account)

"There has been a gradual decline over the past 30 years in the percentage
of Americans who believe that the Bible is the actual word of God. Roughly 3
out of 10 Americans continue to profess belief in a literal Bible today,
about 10 percentage points lower than was the case three decades ago."

Aubyn Fulton, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Chair, Department of Psychology & Social Work
Pacific Union College
Angwin, CA 94508

Office: 707-965-6536

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