Dear Tipsters,


It is difficult to know, as Chris says, whether Dr. Sylvester’s post was a bait. It is even more difficult to know whether this reply is a bait.


But it is very easy to show that it is fallacious on certain points.


I will do so here, but I wish to preface my remarks by saying that it doesn’t matter much to me where a person comes from. It is the quality of the contribution that counts. So Canada VS US is certainly inappropriate. The real question is: Who are the great contributers? And a secondary question is (for interest): Where did they happen to work?


Michael Sylvester wrote:


The aforementioned guys only provided collaborative studies: Bandura attempt to show TV influenced subsequent aggressive behavior was challengedThat came from the frustration-aggression hypothesis which was met with scepticism.


Bandura himself has made interesting theoretical contribution to social learning theory. What does it matter that it has been challenged? It was Hebb himself who wrote (as he presented his theory) that his ideas were almost certainly wrong!

-- Donald Hebb,the cell assembly dude,was a speculative theorist.Cell assemblies did not exist.


Hebb’s theory has had a huge impact for organizing neuroscience. Name any theoretical concept that “exists”. Or – what does it mean to say that a theoretical concept “exists”?


-It was always Olds and Milner.


This has been answered. James Olds and Peter Milner worked with Hebb at McGill. Brenda Milner worked with Hebb and Penfield at the Neurological Institute. By the way, Penfield could be added to the list of people who worked in Canada.


Pain killers like Oxycontin challenges Melzack.


So what? His gate control theory (with Wall) has had a huge impact.


Tulving and Craik (Human learning /Verbal learning )dudes created more confusion than Ebbinghaus.One of those  guys thought that the TOT-Tip of the tongue

was evidence that info stored had physiological parameters,


The depth of processing (levels) ideas is very powerful and stands as a challenge to standard STM/LTM memory theory.





Stuart J. McKelvie, Ph.D., 

Department of Psychology,

Bishop's University,

2600 College Street,

 Sherbrooke (Lennoxville),

Québec J1M 0C8,




Phone: (819)822-9600, Extension 2402

Fax: (819)822-9660


Bishop's Psychology Department Web Page:



From: Michael Sylvester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2005 11:13 AM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] Re: Canada vs.U.S



----- Original Message -----

Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 9:31 PM

Subject: [tips] Re: Canada vs.U.S


I assume Michael's rude remarks are just a lure, but I'll bite.

Albert Bandura is from British Columbia.
Donald Hebb was from Nova Scotia and spent most of his career at McGill.
Dalbir Bindra's career was at McGill
Brenda Milner did her grad work at McGill and has spent her career there.
Ron Melzak's career has been spent at McGill.

James Mark Baldwin's first major position was at Toronto.
Endel Tulving, Gus Craik, Bob Lockhart, and Ben Murdoch were all at Toronto at the same time. Dan Schacter was one of Tulving's students.

I'm sure Stephen, Stuart, and others can come up with a few more.

The aforementioned guys only provided collaborative studies: Bandura attempt to show TV influenced subsequent aggressive behavior was challengedThat came from the frustration-aggression hypothesis which was met with scepticism.
-- Donald Hebb,the cell assembly dude,was a speculative theorist.Cell assemblies did not exist.

-It was always Olds and Milner.

Pain killers like Oxycontin challenges Melzack.

Tulving and Craik (Human learning /Verbal learning )dudes created more confusion than Ebbinghaus.One of those  guys thought that the TOT-Tip of the tongue

was evidence that info stored had physiological parameters,

I will give Hans Selye credit for the GAS-Alarm,Resistance,exhaustion.But that is about it.


Michael Sylvester,PhD

Daytona Beach,Florida

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