On Sat, 15 Jul 2006 09:32:26 -0700, Christopher D. Green wrote:
>Mike Palij wrote:
>>Wasn't Else Frankel-Brunswick supposed to provide the 
>>descriptiion of the psychological mechanisms (clearly 
>>psychoanalytic) that presumably would explain where 
>>authoritarian personality tendencies came from?  I'm not 
>>familiar with her background but her follow-up in Christie & 
>>Jahoda's critical evaluation of the Authorian Personality 
>>research project seems to make her the authority on these matters.
>I don't know anything about Frenkel-Brunswik apart from 
>her work in _The Authoritarian Personality_. I was flipping 
>through the book this morning, and it didn't seem strongly 
>Freudian (though broadly psychodynamic, which is a different 
>matter IMHO), but I may have missed something. There is 
>no mention of Freud in the index (though I only have the 
>abridged ed.) and there are only three minor citations to Freud 
>in the references. 

I've only read the first couple of chapters in the unabridged
edition so I can't really say too much about the presentation
of psychoanalytic explanations which occur later in the book.
However, there is a name index and here are some counts;

Name Index:  appears on 11 pages
References:  3 works cited 

Name Index:  9 pages
References:  2 works

Name Index:  9 pages
References:  9 works

Perhaps it is best to say that it is more broadly psychoanalytic
(or, to use Altemeyer's phrase, "Fromm-Berkeleyan") than

>According to http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/frenkel.html, 
>she studied with Karl & Charlotte Buehler (who, although in 
>Vienna, were closer intellectually to the Wuerzburg school -- 
>Kuelpe, Marbe, Watt, Ach, etc. -- than to Freud, I think), and 
>then she married Egon Brunswik, who was close to the Gestalt 
>school (and who came to influence E. C. Tolman at Berkeley). 

Well, to some people perhaps even being a tiny bit Freudian
still makes one Freudian (i.e., a variation on the "one-drop"

-Mike Palij
New York University

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