In a message dated 12/1/2006 12:01:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Paul,  projects in Experimental Psych are for instructional  purposes, and 
would not normally be reviewed by the IRB.  Students of  course are taught 
the review process.  For such classes and our  labs, we usually send a 
statement to the IRB (yearly) that indicates such work  is instructional and 
considered research per the federal  guidelines.   We don't have a problem. 

Who are the subjects in your projects?  I teach AP Psych in  a high school 
that is an affiliate of a university.   A number of  years ago, I was sent a 
memo from the university saying that all student  research would have to go 
through the IRB process.  Separately, I was told  there would probably be 
review, but we would still have to submit  proposals.  Since then the 
students have not done any research, though all  we had in mind were surveys or 
replications of social  psych experiments. This is a loss to the students, but 
IRB process  would not be worth the effort.
Riki Koenigsberg

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