Actually your timing is great. I have a student whose final I just graded (literally a minute ago) who turned in two assignments and barely eked out a B in a senior-level class despite an A average on tests. I tell them assignment 1 was due on so-and-so date, etc. The added benefit of this system is that at the beginning of the term, I tell them if they turn in an assignment late, the penalty is harsh, so just do the next one (I rarely get late assignments anymore). Moreover, I strongly suggest they all do at least 1 of the first 2 (i.e., don't just wait until the last 4), so that if they, their mother, or their roommate's dog gets ill later, they still have an assignment they can blow off. Overall, I have far fewer problems than I used to with assignments, etc.

At 04:06 PM 12/8/2006, you wrote:

David said:

"I use a "4 of 6" model in most of my undergraduate classes, where there are six due dates (one for each assignment). Students must do at least 4 of the assignments (they sum to the equivalent of an exam grade), but may elect to do all 6, in which case I will take the 4 highest scores. "

What do you do when it is the last week of classes, all due dates are past, and a student has turned in three assignments?

(Wasn't there one for this week?)

Susan J. Shapiro
Associate Professor/Psychology
Indiana University East
2325 Chester Blvd.
Richmond, IN 47374
(765) 973-8284

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David T. Wasieleski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology and Counseling
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698

"The only thing that ever made sense in my life
is the sound of my little girl laughing through the window on a summer night...
Just the sound of my little girl laughing
makes me happy just to be alive..."
"Song from an American Movie"

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