Greeting TIPsters!

I teach research methods and I have my students do original empirical
projects each semester. I have been having my students come up with their
own ideas for "original research" but you can imagine that it requires a
lot of handholding and close supervision. That said, it has been mostly
worth the headaches, as I've had some very cool projects get done (one is
described below)

So I am thinking of taking an a la carte approach, where I'd give them
8-12 topic areas to choose from, and then they'd create their projects to
adress questions within the topic area they chose.

What I need are good topic areas to give them as choices. I need topic
areas where the basics are pretty easy to understand, so I'd say "gender
norms" would be one, but "game theory" would probably not*. Each area
should allow for a potentially wide variety of possible empirical studies
that use direct observation. Anything requiring surveys or psychometric
tests are not what I am seeking at the moment (not that I don't cover the

So for example I've had a lot of success with "non-verbal communication"
as a topic area. Last semester I had some girls go into the weight room
and listen to guys grunt as they worked out. Turns out that guys grunt
"strategically" in response to the sex ratio of males to females present
in the room. They even rounded up a cadre of female confederates so that
they could experimentally manipulate the sex ratio in the room. Worked
like a charm. I've had successes with other types of nonverbal
communication, including one on laughter, another on mate guarding, and
still another on yawning.

So I think "non verbal communication" will be one of my areas, but I need
more. This is where you can help:

Could you send in the topic areas which have worked for you in the past?
If you could include examples of studies that your students have done,
that'd be even better.

My semester starts in a week, so any help you could render right now would
be most welcome.


Michael Donnelly
Department of Psychology
UW-Stout, Menomonie, WI

* although I should note I did have a couple of guys who did a pretty fun
project that touched on game theory last year.

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