Gerald Peterson wrote:
I see in the latest Monitor that there is an ad for Pacific Grad school of Professional Psychology wherein they brag about getting Zimbardo and his shyness clinic. Has he severed ties to Stanford? Was there a tiff or something? Just nosey,
Gerald L. (Gary) Peterson, Ph.D.
Based on this report of Zimbardo's "last lecture" at Stanford, he has taken a position at the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology in Palo Alto. (Pasted below from a news report last Wednesday: ).

Zimbardo delivers his last Stanford lecture

by Don Kazak <>
Palo Alto Weekly Staff

Philip Zimbardo, a psychology professor who has taught at Stanford University since 1968, gave his final lecture today to a lecture hall packed with students and faculty.

Zimbardo talked about "The Psychology of Evil."

Zimbardo spoke to the Introduction to Psychology class, a subject he had long taught and wrote a seminal textbook on. But how good people are persuaded to do evil to others has been a theme of much of his work and of his upcoming book, "The Lucifer Effect."

He became famous for the Stanford Prison Study in 1971, when 24 students were recruited to participate in a study. The 24 tested the most normal out of 75 volunteer recruits. Half became prisoners and half prison guards. The two-week study was cut short after six days because of the sadistic treatment of the prisoners by the guards.

Many faculty members joined the audience to hear Zimbardo's final lecture. He retired from Stanford in 2003 but continued his involvement in developing new courses. Now, he has taken a teaching position at the Pacific Graduate School of Psychology in Palo Alto.

His lecture explained the multiple reasons otherwise normal people are persuaded to hurt others, such as in the Stanford Prison Study. That study was cited by one government investigation into prisoner abuses by American guards at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq that has resulted in prosecution of several soldiers. Zimbardo testified as an expert witness for one of the convicted guards.

Zimbardo received a sustained standing ovation at the conclusion of his lecture.



David E. Campbell, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Department of Psychology        Phone: 707-826-3721
Humboldt State University       FAX:   707-826-4993
Arcata, CA 95521-8299 <>

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