On Tue, 3 Apr 2007, Rick Froman went:

all the textbooks I have used talk about HSD as a post hoc test that
is only appropriate to use after finding significance with an
ANOVA. Do you have something I could reference to support this?

I've heard that argument (that Tukey's HSD is a standalone test)
several times over the past ten years, and even though I haven't
generally abided by it, I think it may be correct.  Here's a cite:

Gregory R. Hancock and Alan J. Klockars.  The quest for alpha:
developments in Multiple Comparison Procedures in the quarter century
since Games (1971).  Review of Educational Research 66(3): 269-306,

I don't have a copy of it, but here's a post from one of the authors:


--David Epstein

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