Hi Peter: 

I have finally had a chance to very closely look at the links you provided. 

What is striking to me is the lack of cross cultural research that is 
relatively recent, say the last 15 years, with south american populations and 
north american populations, when it comes to cognitive variables.

In fact, the cognitive comparisons are extremely few and far between except for 
a cluster of studies comparing either US and Japan or US and China. 
Fascinating, and opens up a whole world of possibilities.

Thanks for the links.


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 15:01:40 -0500
>From: Harzem Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: [tips] Re: Cross cultural cognitive psychology  
>To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" <tips@acsun.frostburg.edu>
>   On Mar 14, 2007, at 1:22 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     I am going to teach cognitive psych to American
>     students in Guadalajara again this summer and
>     thought I would incorporate some cross-cultural
>     work, especially if it involves hispanic
>     comparisons but am very dismayed to find almost
>     nothing "out there".
>   That is an excellent idea.   I hope you and your
>   students enjoy it and find it enlightening. 
>   I recommend searching in the following pages on the
>   internet :
>       * International Association for Cross-Cultural
>   Psychology   www.iaccp.org/
>       * Society for Cross-Cultural Research 
>    www.sccr.org/ 
>       * International Psychology (APA Division 52)
>       * Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP
>   journal)
>       * Cross-Cultural Psychology Bulletin (IACCP
>   newsletter)
>       * Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR journal) 
>    www.sccr.org/CCR/CCR.html
>       * Culture & Psychology (international
>   journal)  http://cap.sagepub.com
>       * Online Readings in Psychology and
>   Culture www.ac.wwu.edu/~culture/readings.htm
>   I have many friends at the 'Center for
>   the research into and the study of behavior' of
>   the University of Guadalajara.   If you do come
>   across them  please feel  free to give them my
>   greetings and tell them you are a colleague.
>   Peter
>   Peter Harzem, B.Sc.(Lond.), Ph.D.(Wales)
>   Hudson Professor Emeritus
>   Department of Psychology
>   Auburn University
>   Auburn, AL 36849-5214
>   USA
>   Phone:   +334 844-6482
>   Fax:       +334 844-4447
>   E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Personal E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   ---
>   To make changes to your subscription go to:
> http://acsun.frostburg.edu/cgi-bin/lyris.pl?enter=tips&text_mode=0&lang=english

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