Hello All, 
I have searched the internet for class activities to use in my social 
psychology class. I am writing to the list to see if any of you may have 
suggestions on activities you use in your classes. I am looking for applied 
learning examples, either in-class activities or homework assignments, 
particularly on the following concepts, although I welcome others as well:
-spotlight effect
-illusion of transparency
-self-serving attributions
-belief perseverance
-representativeness heuristic
-illusory correlation
-fundamental attribution error
-self-fulfilling prophecy
-mere exposure effect
-examples of attitudes not predicting one's behaviors  
PS: I am always looking for additional applied activities to use in my Intro 
Psychology Class so if any good ones you have used come to mind, I'd appreciate 
learning about those as well.    
Jessica Jablonski, Psy.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
My Website on Grad Study in Psych: http://home.comcast.net/~jpsyd/graduate.htm 


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