In an interesting contrast to the current "debate" over evolution, it 
was not so long ago that (part of) the Christian community was fervently 
supporting and defending a radical new scientific innovation. In an era 
when the scientific consensus favored the "Steady State" theory of 
cosmology, it was Jesuit astronomers who took the lead in working out 
the details of the "Big Bang" theory. It is often noted that their 
attraction to Big Bang was motivated by its implication of there having 
been a specific moment of creation (unlike "Steady State"). Whatever 
their motivations, however, their main *astronomical* contribution was 
to provide empirical *evidence* that would persuade those not already 
committed to the idea.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164

"Part of respecting another person is taking the time to criticise his 
or her views." 

   - Melissa Lane, in a /Guardian/ obituary for philosopher Peter Lipton


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