Tenure-Track Position beginning August 2008 in the psychology department of Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois, a Chicago suburb. Ph.D. in psychology is required. Area of specialization is open. The successful candidate will teach statistics and research methods and other courses consistent with her/his preparation and interest. All faculty members are invited to contribute to the University's Core Curriculum. The candidate must have a research program that incorporates student collaboration and fits within the context of a liberal arts and sciences institution. Evidence of successful teaching is essential. Please submit by March 1 curriculum vitae, contact information for three professional referees, a statement of teaching philosophy, and a brief description of proposed research projects to Dominican University Human Resources, 7900 W. Division Street, River Forest, IL 60305 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> . Dominican University is an equal employment opportunity employer seeking applicants from underrepresented groups.
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