This looks like a "must see,." especially for those of us teaching animal 
behavior, animal cognition, or maybe even evolutionary psychology. 
Next on NOVA: "Ape Genius" <> 

Tuesday, February 19 at 8 p.m.
Broadcast in High Definition where available. Check your local
listings as dates and times may vary.

At a research site in Fongoli, Senegal, a female chimpanzee breaks
off a branch, chews the end to make it sharp, then uses this
rudimentary spear to skewer a tasty bushbaby hiding inside a hollow
tree. The footage represents an astonishing breakthrough for primate
researchers: It's the first time anyone has documented a chimpanzee
wielding a carefully prepared, preplanned weapon.

But it's only the latest in a slew of extraordinary new findings
about ape behavior. The more researchers learn about the great
apes -- chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans -- the more
evidence they find of creative intelligence. What, then, is the
essential difference between us and them? "Ape Genius," a
NOVA-National Geographic special, explores that provocative question
and examines research that is illuminating the ape mind.

Here's what you'll find online:

     Watch the Program 
     "Ape Genius" will be available to view online starting
     February 20.

     What Makes Us Human? 
     Recent brain imaging research is offering new insights.

     The Ape That Teaches 
     Why is our ability to teach so critical and so complicated?
     MIT's Rebecca Saxe explains.

     Kanzi the Bonobo 
     In this audio slide show, researcher Sue Savage-Rumbaugh
     describes one extraordinarily linguistic ape.

     Our Family Tree 
     See (and hear) where you stand among the great apes in this
     audiovisual interactive.

Also, a video preview, Links & Books, the Teacher's Guide, video
extras, and more: <> 

Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania <> 
Husband, father, grandfather, biopsychologist, bluegrass fiddler and 
herpetoculturist...... in approximate order of importance.

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