I fear I am about to get myself into trouble with a compendium to my 
reflection on what students need.  It's about what so many faculty need.  
desperately need.  Why trouble?  It's because while so many of us academics are 
so quick
to talk about students, we are so hesitant, to say the least, to talk about 
Nevertheless, here goes.  

        After a month, I still have a "Lily hangover."   I guess it's because 
was my first outing, since my cerebral hemorrahage, reminding me "gratio ergo 
sum," that
is--if my Latin is correct--loosely, "I am thankful, therefore I am."  That is, 
grateful I am for each breath I still take.  Anyway, being a Lily old timer, a 
e-mailed me asking, why I talk so much about the Lily conferences and what was 
the one
thing that stands out most from my years of engaging in the national and 
regional Lily
conferences on college and university teaching that makes them stand out.  I've 
pondering an answer for days.  Actually, there are two things that stand out.  
The first
is the creation of an uplifting and empowering environment for information, 
education, and especially for edification that is the beauty of the Lily 
regional and main
conferences.  Over the years, they have done so much for me.  Magically and 
there's no need for entry signs to read, "No egos allowed."  Uplifting is the 
name of one
Lily game.  Nourishment is the name of another Lily game.  At these gatherings, 
you can
see all around you, whether in formal sessions or schmoozing in the halls or 
around the meal tables, in the early morning and late into the night, the 
people offering
positive support and encouragement for each other to engage themselves as 
quickly become colleagues and friends.  
        At Lily so many people feel it's a safe place to let their guard down a 
momentarily come out from behind their pretenses, and let their inner selfs 
briefly rise
to the surface.  So few of these often surprisingly open and honesty 
over-the-table conversations center around classroom teaching methods and 
And, those which did, were always peppered with such hesitating and even fearful
utterances "Oh, I'd be scared to death to try that" or "I don't have the 
confidence for
that" or "Oh, I couldn't do that" or "They wouldn't let me" or "I don't have 
tenure" or
"I'm too shy" or "That's not me" or "I have a family" or "I'd die" or "I don't 
believe" or
"Do you know that they would say?"  All this brings me to the second thing 
about Lily.  I
had had a quick, few seconds exchange with Stewart Ross of Minnesota State at 
this past
Lily-South conference during a plenary presentation by Ed Neal of UNC.  I 
whispered to
Stewart, "A lot of what he's saying is so spiritual."  

        Stewart quickly replied, "Maybe people need spirituality to fill the 

        I've been thinking ever since about that comment and some things said 
by Todd
Zakrajsek of Central Michigan during his presentation on classroom apathy and 
as well as by Bill Johnson during his presentation on dreaming.  It's the 
thought that we academics are just as human, just as fallible, just as 
suffering the sling
and arrows of outrageous fortune, as the students.  So many academics come to 
Lily looking
for methods and techniques and technologies, and so many find, often to their 
that they want something more.  They're seeking something beyond themselves 
they're feeling forced to settle for something that is less than themselves as 
they get
caught up in the trappings of assessment, accreditation, tenure, research, 
promotion, and a host of other academic rites that give at best lip-service to 
teaching.  The "got to" chase for academic recognition and security seems to 
instill so
little joy in so many of them.  It's like, as it is said in Ecclesiastes, 
chasing the
wind.  In conversation after conversation, people whispered, almost as if they 
were afraid
others would hear them, that they have a "clone-ish" feeling, that they are 
losing that
war e.e.cummings described against others who are fighting to make them into 
people those
others want them to be.  

        Empty and meaningless institutional mission statements aside, in often 
resignation that embodied Thoreau"s "quiet desperation," they sighed that they 
are void of
an inner happiness and serenity, that they are being "forced" to compromise 
that they're looking over their shoulder when they enter the classroom, that 
they really
did not want or want to do what the academic tradition and values were 
dictating to them
what to want and to do, that they really didn't want to focus on what the 
academic world
was spotlighting, that the quest for the demanded generic academic achievement 
of degrees,
tenure, and promotion--and even mandatory scholarship--did not really bring 
very much
lasting fulfillment, that in reality most institutions aren't as open minded as 
mission statements state and are too often inhospitable to those who challenge 
old ways of
thinking and doing things, that the stress has made them impatient with 
others, that the pursuit of those off-the-shelf achievements and recognitions 
left so many
of them hopelessly frustrated and/or even fearful.  There was a realization 
that standard
definitions of academic accomplishment that satisfied recruitment committees, 
tenure and
promotion committees, administrators, as well as accrediting agencies, were not 
truly all
that personally satisfying.   

        I have heard so many people say in so many words that even if they 
had struggled academically to survive, they really didn't know what they had 
survived for
other than a guarantee of a job, a title, a salary level, a publication, a bit 
reputation.  So many people realized that though they may have acquired the 
means to live
academically, they lacked a meaning to live for.   In many ways, they are 
reflective of
what was reported by PBS' in its indicting "Declining By Degrees": life without 
means without meaning, having while having not, being owned without owning.  
forlornly revealed that inner vacuum they themselves had created by 
surrendering their
selfs and their responsibility, often at the expense of students, with blaming 
that the devilish "system made me do it."   And, perhaps worst of all, they 
sadly and
haplessly had convinced themselves that they could not do anything about it.

        Vision!  Difference!  Integrity! Purpose!  Meaning!  That's what so 
many who
attend Lily, and those who don't, find themselves looking for.  They have a 
yearning for a
clear personal vision, an almost desperate hunger for meaning, an inner burning 
desire to
make a difference, a thirst for authenticity, and a search for a connection 
with a real,
meaningful purpose that would yield joy, excitement, satisfaction, and 

Make it a good day.


Louis Schmier                                
Department of 
History                  http://www.newforums.com/Auth_L_Schmier.asp
Valdosta State University             www. halcyon.com/arborhts/louis.html
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