Pauk Brandon commented that Skinner objected to the idea of behavior without a 
cause.My read on Skinner is that he  emphasized that all behavior had 
consequences and the idea of freedom implied that there were no consequences.
An important aspect of Skinner's work is that those consequences in turn 
control behavior and that those who dish out reinforcers control behavior.
Actually political independence-as in the case of Myanmar- can be construed as  
meaning that reinforcers have passed from the Brits to the nationals.The 
problem here is that as controls move away from the Brits to the 
Myanmarians,consequences are no longer regulated and hence 
chaos(Ironically,this state of affairs is viewed as freedom)
I am mindful of many countries that went haywire when the Brits or colonial 
powers loosen the controls of civility.
I  think that Skinner also posed the question of whether we should be 
controlled by the government,State,or by ourselves.
The current situation in the U.S re the economy can be viewed from the 
perspective that some forms of freedom of controls can have disastrous 

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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