Dear Tipsters:
        This item appears in today's issue of "Inside Higher Education:"
        Jeremey Cooperstock, a McGill University engineering professor,
has created a Web site - Degrading McGill
<>  - in which he describes a series of
incidents in which he says he tried to punish students for plagiarism
and was undercut by administrators fearful of student suits. The Web
site features examples and details of the cases and Cooperstock says he
felt he had no choice but to go public, given the way the university has
responded. Morton Mendelson, deputy provost of student life and learning
at McGill, told a local radio station that the university takes cheating
very seriously, and decides cases based on the facts. 
- Scott Jaschik <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I might remind our American friends that McGill is sometimes termed the
Harvard of the North.


Leo Standing, PhD                Tel:         819-822-9600, ex.2456 
Psychology Dept,                  fax:          819-822-9661     
Bishop's University,               home:      819-346-1897 
2600 College St,                   
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