A question was raised on another list, and I thought some Tipsters might know 
the answer.  In a person with a split corpus callosum, how does the information 
from one side of the body get to the other hemisphere and how do messages from 
one hemisphere get to the other side of the brain?  Where are the crossove

   Rikki : I have wanted to ask this question for almost 10 years now. The one 
that gets me is the situation where if you put a piece of chalk in the left 
hand  of the client  
  and ask the person to name the oblect in the left hand the person could not 
name it;however,if you put the chalk in the right hand then the subject would 
say "chalk"
  because supposedly objects in the right hand is processed by the left side of 
the brain which is the language center of the brain.
  Now deal.

  Michael Sylvester,PhD
  Daytona Beach,Florida

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