Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of this merry band of psychology 
professors (including all adjuncts, instructors, lecturers, assistants, 
associates, clinicians, grad students, etc.) We are a diverse group, no? :) 
Take care, travel with several good books (and food!), and drive safely (and as 
I discovered, watch out while shoveling snow or you'll fall on your derriere!).

BTW- for a bit of levity, spell check derriere- but do NOT do it at work! For 
example, I got one site that listed all the following for synonyms- arse, 
behind, buns, buttocks, hind end, hindquarters, keister, nates, posterior, 
prat, fanny, rear end, tooshie, tush, seat, fundament, backside, bottom, rump, 
stern, tail end, tail, rear, bum, can, butt- and I'd add the military's "six". 
There were others- I was trying to keep it reasonably clean! Nates?

Timothy O. Shearon, PhD
Professor and Chair Department of Psychology
The College of Idaho
Caldwell, ID 83605

teaching: intro to neuropsychology; psychopharmacology; general; history and 

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." Dorothy Parker

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