For anyone interested, interesting review of Sidman by Dennis Deprato:

Dennis J. Delprato "Beyond Murray Sidman's 'Coercion and Its Fallout.'". 
Psychological Record, The. 07 Jan. 2009.

In Coercion and Its Fallout, Sidman (1989) proposes that coercion is at the 
root of many harmful and ineffective interpersonal and social practices. After 
critically examining coercion, he offers an alternative in the form of positive 
reinforcement based on naturally occurring deprivations. This paper proposes 
that Sidman's thesis can be extended by the incorporation of Goldiamond's 
constructional approach and Powers's perceptual control theory. It argues that 
the latter provides a coherent framework for understanding the effects of 
coercion and how there might even be negative side effects of the use of 
positive reinforcement.

Steven Hall
Butte Community College, Oroville, CA

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