Hi all,
I just returned from NITOP where David Myers gave a few speeches as he has all 
over the world. 
I have known the man for many years.  
He told me Frank Vatano may be the nicest man in Psychology. That may be so, 
but there is one other person who is nicer (I think), and that is David 
himself. He is generous with his time, writings, and encouragement. He is 
always willing to stop, listen, and talk with others whether he knows you or 
I can't believe anyone would suggest otherwise.
His book has changed quite a bit in the past few years, including more 
cross-cultural material.
Jim Matiya 
Florida Gulf Coast University
Contributor, for Karen Huffman's Psychology in Action, Video Guest Lecturettes 
John Wiley and Sons.
High School Psychology and Advanced Psychology Graphic Organizers, 
Pacing Guides, and Daily Lesson Plans archived at www.Teaching-Point.net

Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 14:57:38 -0500From: bethben...@metrocast.netto: 
t...@acsun.frostburg.edusubject: Re: [tips] Dave Myers' text

Thank you, Dap, for saying what we're probably all thinking.  I believe my 
colleagues may have been attempting the extinction techniques we've been 
not-so-obliquely discussing online.  But I see that Michael has already used up 
his three posts for the day, so I'm happy to concur that Dave's textbook is a 
terrific one.  (Actually, I am using both his Intro and Social textbooks at 
present.)  I'd forgotten about his generous contribution of his royalty 
proceeds, and I'm glad you pointed that out, as he's not the kind of guy to 
toot his own horn.

I've met him at meetings, and find him as warm and genuine as he comes across 
in his books.  He also is quick to respond to any suggestions or questions.  I 
also found his book, A Quiet World:  Living with Hearing Loss to be so 
informative, but told with humor about things like his wife's occasional 
exasperation when he wouldn't wear his hearing aid, and other human interest 

Beth Benoit
Granite State College
New Hampshire
On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 2:38 PM, Dap Louw <louwda....@ufs.ac.za> wrote:
I'm speechless about Michael Sylvester's rating of the Myers text.  I may be 
wrong but I believe it's the intro text most widely prescribed internationally, 
one reason being that it is much less myopic than its American counterparts.We 
use it in South Africa and find it wonderful.  One of its strongest points is 
that the language is very student-friendly, which a country in a country like 
South Africa with 11 official languages, is a very important prerequisite.In a 
recent email Michael Sylvester wrote something about Dave Myers being a 
millionaire.  I don't know whether that is the case (if it is, good for him), 
but I wonder how many colleagues have read the following on the inner title 
page of most (all?) of Dave's books (it's in fine print):"All royalties from 
the sale of this book are assigned to the David and Carol Myers Foundation, 
which exists to receive and distribute funds to other charitable 
organizations."If David Myers is indeed a millionaire, we surely need more 
millionaires like him.Regards from a sunny (southern hemisphere) South 
Louw, Ph.D.(Psych.), Ph.D. (Crim.)Head: Centre for Psychology and the 
LawProfessor: Department of PsychologyUniversity of the Free StateP.O. Box 
339Bloemfontein9300 South AfricaTel: (051+) 401-2444 (work)(051+) 436-3423 
(home)Fax: (051+) 444-6677Email: louwda....@ufs.ac.zacell: 
 of the Free State: This message and its contents are subject to a 
disclaimer.Please refer to  http://www.ufs.ac.za/disclaimer for full 
details.Universiteit van die Vrystaat:Hierdie boodskap en sy inhoud is aan 'n 
vrywaringsklousule onderhewig.Volledige besonderhede is by 
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