I find you can get all of these features in a small MIDI keyboard with a 
sequencer.  Works very well for behavioral observation. Also for real time 
self-reporting of emotions, etc. 

Bill Scott

>>> "Dennis Goff" <dg...@randolphcollege.edu> 01/15/09 9:22 AM >>>


Use The Google and search for event recorder software. My second hit
took me to animalbehavior.org where I found a link to Behavior Tracker -
http://www.behaviortracker.com/ If that program does not work for you,
my search yielded other links that might. 


Good luck




Dennis M. Goff 

Chair, Department of Psychology

Professor of Psychology

Randolph College (Founded as Randolph-Macon Woman's College in 1891)

Lynchburg VA 24503



From: Donnelly, Michael [mailto:donnel...@uwstout.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4:44 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] looking for some software



Hello fellow TIPsters:


I am planning on adding a new element to my Research Methods course,
involving naturalistic observation. I'd like my students to be able to
record the duration of behavioral events while viewing videotaped
naturalistic behaviors--animals in the zoo, birds on my feeder, kids
playing, people at the mall, that sort of thing.


I hope that one of you will be able to point me to a place where I can
find a piece of software that has the following features:


1.       Use for recording cumulative time (duration) of behavioral
events (sort of like a stopwatch)

2.       Able to record multiple simultaneous times (multiple clocks
timing simultaneously)

3.       Start/stop isn't the usual toggle action (press/start,
release/nothing, press/stop) but instead is press/start, release/stop


This third feature is particularly hard to find, and I am hoping I don't
have to resort to writing my own program to do it. I wrote one back in
the day, for the old Macintosh, but I need one that runs under Windows
(all of our students use Windows laptops). I could also do this using
the Biopacs we have here, but that system is kind of clunky for this
application and not really portable.


I found a good timer online, you can find it here




It is admirably set up for the first two features, but not the third.
Also, free would be great, but not required.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


-Mike Donnelly








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