Tim suggested that I tell a little more about Camtasia.

I have used it to capture myself (and a small puppet) for short intros to
just explain some minor points.  You can save in various video formats.

You can edit small clips together with transitions (fade to black or various
effects to dress up the change).  You can make title pages after making the
clips and you can go in and add callouts.  These are arrows or post-it notes
with comments about the video.  They fade in for a few seconds and then go

What I have done the most of is voice-overs for PowerPoints.  You can
capture the PowerPoint window as you advance slides and talk as you go.  I
used to teach an online intro class so I took many of my regular class
PowerPoints and did voice-overs making them a lot like a lecture.  I didn't
see any need for them to see my face so I didn't do the picture in picture.
I was told that it added a lot to the file size, too.

There are some quiz and survey functions that I never tried.  There is a
group on campus that gets together and self-educates on online class
technology stuff.  It was helpful at first to go through some of the basics
with a group all figuring out the same things, but once I got through the
process of producing a finished product I decided that it wasn't hard to

While I'm on the topic of teaching technology I was wondering if any
Tipsters had gone on to their Second Life.  That's not joining the Choir
Invisible but joining the world virtual of Second Life.  I started setting
up an illusion display when I thought that I'd still be teaching online.
Since then I have moved to doing memory studies there.  My first will be a
poster at APS this summer.  I'm going to start two more soon.  I'm trying to
force my grad research methods class to do some practice experiments that
way.  My avatar name is at the bottom of my signature.  If any of you are
closet avatars you can feel free to IM me and to drop by the ULM island.

Rick Stevens
Psychology Department
University of Louisiana at Monroe
SL - Evert Snook

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