I noticed this too when I was searching about evolution. I assumed it was some Google bug, so I went ot the site anyway. Fortunately, I on a Mac and so the worm probably doesn't affect me.

Chris Green

sbl...@ubishops.ca wrote:
On 30 Jan 2009 at 23:32, Christopher D. Green wrote:

.........etc. I confess this has nothing directly to do with Chris's post but was started by it. I wanted to reply to his comment on religion and slavery. I put it in "God is not great" in Google to try to review what Hitchens had said about it.

To my surprise, every listing I received in Google carried the warning "This site may harm your computer". Trying to click through anyway produces a warning page, and I find I cannot then continue to the page despite the warning.

Wow! I thought. Someone has hacked Hitchens, and appended this warning to every hit on his hated book. Then I tried "God". Same result. "Love" too, and even "sports". Google warns me they all will harm my computer.

Now I thought _I_ had a virus. I asked my wife to try on her computer. Same thing.

Using another search engine, I now see that this problem is world wide. It's not Hitchens, it's not God or even sports that offends, it's a massive attack on Google. My wife now tells me she's found some information which says that the problem isn't with the warning, it's with the sites that Google turns up. According to this source, the sites are all harmful and will infect your computer with a worm; Google's just doing its job in warning you.

Very exciting! I just hope I'm not mistakely scaremongering here.


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Emeritus Bishop's University e-mail: sbl...@ubishops.ca
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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