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FRONTLINE - This Week: "My Father, My Brother, and 
Me" (60 minutes),Feb. 3rd at 9pm on PBS (Check local listings)- Live 
Discussion: Chat with correspondent Dave Iverson, Feb. 4th, 11am ET  ---- 
"Parkinson's arrives without fanfare," journalist Dave Iverson says at the 
start of this week's FRONTLINE broadcast. "You're jogging at the gym one day 
and you happen to notice that one arm isn't swinging the same as the other. In 
time, other signs accumulate: a leg starts to tingle, a finger begins to 
tremble..." In "My Father, My Brother and Me," airing Tuesday night and 
available to watch online right now - 
- Iverson sets off on a personal journey to understand the disease which 
afflicts him now, and which struck his father and brother years earlier.  As 
Iverson probes his own story, and tracks decades of efforts to understand and 
cure Parkinson's, he meets some remarkable people: a leading researcher whose 
encounter with "frozen" heroin addicts led to a major breakthrough, a 
Parkinson's sufferer given a new lease on life by an experimental brain 
surgery, and a geneticist who's identified some of the faulty genes responsible 
for Parkinson's, and is now working on drugs to fix them. Iverson also has 
intimate conversations with fellow Parkinson's sufferers like writer Michael 
Kinsley and actor Michael J. Fox, whose extended video interview we've posted 
as well - The story 
couldn't be more timely. Any day now, President Obama has promised a 
much-anticipated reversal of the federal ban on embryonic stem cell research - 
put in place in the early days of the Bush presidency - that has slowed 
advances on Parkinson's, as well as a number of other diseases. We hope you'll 
sample the program online now, then join us Tuesday night for the PBS 
broadcast.  Ken DornsteinSenior Editor 
Jim Matiya 
Florida Gulf Coast University
Contributor, for Karen Huffman's Psychology in Action, Video Guest Lecturettes 
John Wiley and Sons.
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