The apparent flashmob event which Annette (I think) pointed us to was 
actually a joyous T-Mobile ( British cell phone company) commercial 
staged at the Liverpool train station on January 15, 2009 with 400 
dancers [see it at ]

It was followed, probably on February 6th, by a real flashmob event at 
Liverpool Station, which attracted a huge crowd, estimated at 13,000 

I commented in my last post  that this represented "Life imitating and 
outdoing (commercial) art".

But browsing youtube turns up a more complicated truth. Dance 
flashmobbing had been going on at that station at least as far back as 
October of 2006 (see )

This is undoubtedly where T-Mobile found the inspiration for its 

So it's not life imitating art. It's life imitating art imitating life.

And what about Vinni Pukh? This has nothing to do with any of the above, 
but for devotees of this silly old bear, you might want to catch these 
wonderful cartoon adaptations of his adventures. Hint: They're not  


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.          
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University      e-mail:
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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