The Prince George’s Community College Department of Psychology and Argosy 
University are sponsoring the 11th Annual Mid-Atlantic Teachers of Psychology 
(MATOP) conference on the teaching of psychology on Friday October 30, 2009 
from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.. The mission of the MATOP conference is to bring together  
teachers of psychology from universities, two and four-year colleges and high 
schools, who wish to enhance their teaching of psychology and expand their 
teaching skills through, workshops, lectures, and participant idea exchanges on 
successful teaching strategies and techniques.  In addition, MATOP fosters the 
development of valuable teacher networks that further strengthens the continued 
support of good teaching and professional fellowship. Registration is $60.00. 
Early registration (by September 1, 2009) is $50.00. Registration for 
presenters is $50.00. Send contact information to the address below.

Keynote Address
Dr. Robin Hailstorks of the Education Directorate of the American Psychological 
Association will discuss  "The Future of Psychology Education." Her talk will 
focus on the results of the Puget Sound Conference, held in June 2008. 

Call for Programs and Posters
Please submit your ideas, classroom tested methods, innovative courses, and 
research on teaching and learning psychology for the newly instituted poster 
session.  All proposals regarding the teaching of psychology are encouraged and 
will be considered.  From past conference participants and psychology faculty 
in general, we are looking for various content and technique topics, which are 
appropriate for an undergraduate psychology course.  We welcome proposals for 
oral presentations, panel discussions and hands-on-workshops.
All submissions should relate to the teaching of psychology.  Each proposal 
should be typed (double-spaced) and include the following: a.) whether it is 
being submitted as a presentation, panel discussion, hands-on–workshop, or 
participant idea exchange, b) the title, c) the presenter(s) name(s), 
institution(s) and email and mailing addresses and telephone number, d) a 
summary of presentation in no more than 250 words.  Presenters will be notified 
promptly regarding acceptance. The deadline for submitting individual proposals 
is May 1, 2009. Poster submissions will be accepted, pending space, until 
October 15, 2009.
Proposals may be submitted by mail, fax, or email to Dr. Diane Finley, 
Coordinator, MATOP Conference:  
Prince George’s Community College            
Department of Psychology                            
301 Largo Road
Largo, MD 20774
Fax: 301-808-0418
Email:  (this is the preferred method of submission.) Please 
put MATOP submission in the subject line - I have whitelisted that).

Diane L. Finley, Ph.D.
Professor , Department of Psychology
Membership Chair,  D47 - APA (Exercise and Sport Psychology)
Prince George's Community College
301 Largo Road
Largo MD 20774
(301) 322-0869

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (

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