Congratulations, Robin!  I'll be buying it because I always read your column
and enjoy it!Beth Benoit
Granite State College
Plymouth State University
New Hampshire

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 7:44 AM, Robin Abrahams <> wrote:

>   Dear friends, family, colleagues past and present, people I have
> interviewed or been interviewed by, spoken for or heard speak--
> As many of you might know, my first book was released yesterday.
> The title is "Miss Conduct's Mind Over Manners" (or MCMoM as I call it) and
> it is comprised of new material based on my "Miss Conduct" column. It's
> etiquette for the fault lines of society: how to cope gracefully with people
> whose values, priorities, and experiences are different from your own,
> presented not just with "how to" but also with plenty of "why."
> As one advance reviewer put it, "While advising the reader on
> how to navigate contemporary social quandaries, the author sails smoothly
> from topic to topic -- neurobiology to sociology, philosophy to economics --
> with tremendous wit and grace. This book is informative, culturally
> sensitive, and makes liberal use of relevant quotes (from diverse sources
> ranging from Shakespeare to Adam Smith to Mark Twain) and reference to pop
> culture (Wallace & Gromit, Gilligan's Island)."
> Early signs for the book are good! I've already appeared on the "Today
> Show," and the reviews on are excellent. You can check my blog (
> for listings of local appearances.
> I'd appreciate it, obviously, if you'd buy a copy of the book yourself (a
> link to Amazon:
> Also, if you've read my writing and enjoyed it in the past, would you also
> consider forwarding this e-mail on to others whom you think would enjoy the
> Miss Conduct book or blog? If you don't forward this to 10 of your friends,
> absolutely nothing will happen. If you do, there is a chance one of them
> might e-mail you back and say it's been a while and how about coffee. So
> clearly you should forward this.
> And I look forward to seeing you again, perhaps for coffee, or to
> interviewing or being interviewed by you, or speaking to you or hearing you
> speak.
> Have a wonderful summer,
> Robin
> Robin Abrahams
> My first book, "Miss Conduct's Mind Over Manners," is available now on
> ---
> To make changes to your subscription contact:
> Bill Southerly (

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