There's a simple solution to this: tell students if they try to get an 
assignment to you some other way rather than in person and you don't get it or 
can't read it, it's late or you've never received it. I have gotten corrupted 
files, files no software would read, papers under my door which mysteriously 
disappeared, e-mails that were never received, "forgotten" attachments to 
e-mails, etc. These have been happening for years! Recently I've been using 
Turnitin in addition to paper copies, so there's no excuse now...

Dean Amadio
Siena College

<<Absolutely ingenious!!


The New Student Excuse?

Most of us have had the experience of receiving e-mail with an attachment, 
trying to open the attachment, and finding a corrupted file that won't open. 
That concept is at the root of a new Web site advertising itself (perhaps 
serious only in part) as the new way for students to get extra time to finish 
their assignments.>>
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