I am aware of no data suggesting that children resemble fathers more than 
mothers. I do, however, remember a study which found that a (putative) father's 
family, and especially his in-laws, were more likely to SAY that a new baby 
resembled the father. 
Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Husband, father, grandfather, biopsychologist, bluegrass fiddler and 
herpetoculturist...... in approximate order of importance.
Subject: info: Sociobiological Fathers; day
From: "michael sylvester" <msylves...@copper.net>
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 14:53:07 -0400
X-Message-Number: 7

Is it true that kids tend to resemble their dads as nature's assurance to the 
dad that the kids are his?

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