
One more point to add to Eric Landrum's useful list of changes in the new APA 
Publication Manual: the running head is now used to identify every page of the 

No more 'short title' to accompany the page number!

Note his warning that unfortunately there are some glitches and inconsistencies 
in the new edition.

Leo Standing

Leo Standing, PhD                Tel:  819-822-9600, ext 2456
Psychology Dept (N.201),             fax:    819-822-9661    
Bishop's University,                        home:   819-346-1897
2600 College St,                  
Sherbrooke QC,                    Home email:  
Canada J1M 1Z7                        lstan...@netrevolution.com         


-----Original Message-----
From: Society for Teaching of Psychology Discussion List 
[mailto:psychteac...@list.kennesaw.edu] On Behalf Of Eric Landrum
Sent: July 15, 2009 12:10 PM
To: psychteac...@list.kennesaw.edu
Subject: [PSYTEACH] first look, new APA Publication Manual

Dear Friends,

I've had a chance to quickly read through the 6th (new) edition of the
Publication Manual.  Since I teach Research Methods, and since APA
format is a big part of the writing instruction in this class, I
thought it pertinent to look for new features and major changes from
the 5th edition to the 6th edition.  Below is just my 'first pass'
through the PM.  I encourage others to do the same.  Please feel free
to use and share as you like.

Page    Item of Interest

p. 16   There is a new section included on self-plagiarism (see more in
section 6.02).
p. 20   There is a very helpful ethical compliance checklist provided.
pp. 24-25       Author notes have changed significantly. Specific content in
spelled out paragraph by paragraph on pp. 24-25.  Author notes now
appear on cover page (see p. 41 for an example).
p. 30   In the Method section, greater emphasis on sampling procedures,
sample size, and power.
p. 34   Stronger preference for reporting exact p values with
inferential statistical tests.
p. 41   Keywords now appear with the Abstract, indented following the
Abstract paragraph.
p. 42   In the sample paper, the point is made that there is no
capitalization in naming theories (see also section 4.16).
p. 43   In a sentence where a colon separates two grammatically complete
clauses, a capital letter follows the colon in the second clause.
p. 43   The way section headings are presented has changed
significantly.  Headings are boldfaced (more about headings in section
p. 46   Example of reporting an F statistic with exact p value and
effect size statistic.
p. 50   Use of doi is more standard in Reference sections.
p. 51   Articles with more than 7 authors use ellipsis in Reference section.
p. 52   Tables can now be presented single-spaced (see section 5.08 for
more information).
p. 62   Levels of headings now use a combination of boldfacing,
italicizing, and alignment (indenting, centering).
pp. 70-77       There is a nice section on how to reduce bias in language use.
p. 98   The Guide to Hyphenating Terms should be quite useful.
pp. 138-139     There is an expanded discussion of the types of table
notes that can be used.
p. 171  When paraphrasing material, the use of page numbers in text is
p. 204  When providing the location of a published book, provide the
state abbreviation, even for large cities (New York, NY).

I already see problems for those of us to teach APA style to students.
 For example, some of the instructions in the manual conflict with the
presentation of the sample paper.  Also, even some of the examples are
not similarly presented (i.e., tables).  Like any change, we'll all
figure this out eventually.

Take care,



R. Eric Landrum, PhD

Department of Psychology        
Boise State University  
1910 University Drive           
Boise, ID  83725-1715

Secretary, APA Division Two
Society for the Teaching of Psychology

Vice President, Rocky Mountain Region
Psi Chi (The International Honor Society in Psychology)

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