In response to tipsters like Jim Clark and Allen Esterson who question my 
reliance on pontificating without providing references and hard data,I am 
pleased to introduce the Michael Sylvester Unobstrusive Observational 
Methods(MSUOM). Unobstrusive methods are usually employed to reduce any kind of 
suspiciousness that sublects are being observed which could influence the 
outcomes of the experiment.These tools are usually employed in both animal and 
human ethological research.The MSUOM is just another level of an unobstrusive 
I was asked to explain my basis for classifying psychological theories into 
major and minor. Well I used  my knowledge of observations of text books such 
as the number of pages devoted to a particular theorist.Normally
Freud,Skinner,Piaget have more text pages devoted to them than the 
functionalists, and Vigotsky.The term major or minor says nothing about whether 
those theorists have valid ideas.The term major or minor has more to do with a 
prevailing historical precedence.For example Fritz Perls takes precedence over 
Hefferline.Personally of all the neo-Freudians,Erickson has more pages in Dev 
psychology than Adler and Horney may get just an insert on a page.
American Psychology has a behavuoristic bias so expect more writings from this 
I do not agree with Jim on field observations and testimonials. Statistics is 
also applicable to these methods in terms of reliability,but the question of 
validity is a different story.
Hope this helps.
Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida
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