Stephen Black asked:
"What is the term evolutionary biologists use to describe such sneaky f*ckers 
and their
strategy which exploits this failing by alpha males to out-compete them? And if 
that's too
easy, then tell me who was the first to use the term, and where."

Stephen- Good one! Off the top of my head, I don't remember a specific term or 
whence or who first used the term. I do *seem to remember* that these acts were 
sometimes referred to as "sneaky copulations" and my memory seems to suggest 
that some literature, and I'm much less sure of this, sometimes referred to the 
perpetrators as "sneaks" but I'm in no way certain that my memory is even 
correct. This may be due to the passage of some, gulp, 25 years since last 
reading Wilson and friend's work in graduate school. 

As an aside: I'm reminded of what a friend wrote on a written prelim when 
asked, "Some have argued that the effects seen when administering amphetamines 
mimics the effects of "turning on the lights". What research from human and 
infra-human studies suggests this finding. Describe in detail the findings 
which tend to suggest this statement currently supported by the evidence." 
(That's a recollection of the question. Also 25 years old). My poor friend had 
no idea the answer. (He put someone on his committee from whom he had never 
taken classes!) He replied, "I had no idea that administering amphetamines 
resulted in effects equivalent to "turning out the lights". I shall be very 
happy to learn of this effect and research while preparing to retake this part 
of my exams." (Something to that effect).  Thankfully, my memory fails at a far 
less critical moment.

Timothy O. Shearon, PhD
Professor and Chair Department of Psychology
The College of Idaho
Caldwell, ID 83605

teaching: intro to neuropsychology; psychopharmacology; general; history and 

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." Dorothy Parker

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