Oops, I was wrong. The article is in Perspectives on Psychological Science, 
along with a response from Lieberman and others. It's a fascinating debate, and 
I think that the dead salmon study makes the correlations in fMRI studies look 
even fishier.

From: Bourgeois, Dr. Martin
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 7:58 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: RE: [tips] Dead salmon detects human emotion

This is awesome, and it reminds me of a debate at the upcoming Society for 
Experimental Social Psychology:

Puzzlingly High Correlations in Cognitive/Affective Neuroscience
 Matthew Lieberman, University of California at Los Angeles vs. Piotr
Winkielman, University of California, San Diego, with David Kenny as

The debate is organized around a paper that just came out in Current Directions 
in Psychological Science (Piotr Winkielman is one of the authors), which argues 
that the methods of a great many fMRI studies lead to spurious correlations 
(the original title of the paper was Voodoo Correlations in Cognitive/Affective 
Neuroscience) because researchers selectively define the brain regions of 
interest after looking at the data.

From: sbl...@ubishops.ca [sbl...@ubishops.ca]
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 6:08 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] Dead salmon detects human emotion

Remarkable new experiment, a fMRI study by Bennett et al
reported at the 15th annual meeting of the Organization for
Brain Mapping in June this year in San Francisco.

Meeting announcement at

>From the Methods section of the abstract:

Subject: One mature Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) participated
in the fMR study. The salmon was...not alive at the time of

Task: The task administered to the salmon involved completing
an open-ended mentalizing task. The salmon was shown a
series of photographs depicting human individuals in social
situations with a specified emotional valence. The salmon was
asked to determine what emotion the individual in the photo
must have been experiencing.

for the abstract of the poster presentation (the poster itself,

And if that doesn't make itself clear, try this:


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus
Bishop's University
 e-mail:  sbl...@ubishops.ca
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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