I have a student who wants to read a book for an assignment in class. Normally 
they students get to pick from a variety of books that focus on critical 
evaluation of an issue and I have about 20 posted on my webct page for them to 
pick from.

But this student wants to read something related to child psychotherapy. 
Normally, for therapy in general, I would recommend the book by Lilienfeld et 
al on Science and Pseudoscience in clinical psychology. But, because she is 
interestd in child therapy I need a recommendation. She asked me to read Dibs 
in search of self but I nixed that one. The depiction of autism is horrible and 
the "play therapy" is poorly characterized. If nothing else I might have her do 
some background reading on autism and play therapy and then have her read and 
critique Dibs.

If any of you have a good trade book on this topic that would show good 
critical thinking about the issues, please let me know backchannel and I will 
compile the suggestions and post to the list. 



Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

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