I swear, if we could just all make ourselves stop responding to these  
provocative, mean-spirited trolls, first we'd see an escalation, (the  
pre-extinction "burst) and then they would go away.
As long as we continue to indulge this nonsense, it will dominate our TIPS  
list, and many good contributors will be driven away. I am tired of the 
"MSTIPS"  list activity. It's not our list anymore, it's his.
I and a few other valiant souls are trying to ignore him, but as long as  
other people continue to respond, we'll continue to have this crap inflicted 
on  us.
Nancy Melucci
Long Beach City College
Long Beach CA
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In a message dated 10/2/2009 6:25:43 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
marc.car...@bakeru.edu writes:

I  was likewise puzzled.  Apparently "some scholars" say that recruiting  
Latinos from countries where baseball is huge is contributing to the  
de-American-Africanization of American baseball.

But here's my  puzzlement: Michael asserts that *to Americans*, most 
Dominicans would be  considered to be of African descent (as indeed most are, 
along with Caribbean  Indian -- and btw, they are the most beautiful people I 
have ever  seen).

So, I find preposterous in the extreme the idea that there's  some 
nefarious plot among the owners and managers of American baseball teams  to 
Americans of African descent in favor of Latinos of African  descent.

Maybe I'm just thick, but that just makes no sense at  all.


Marc Carter, PhD
Associate Professor and  Chair
Department of Psychology
College of Arts & Sciences
Baker  University

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allen  Esterson [mailto:allenester...@compuserve.com]
> Sent: Friday, October  02, 2009 7:21 AM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences  (TIPS)
> Subject: [tips] for Marc Carter
>    On  1 October 2009 in a posting headed "for Marc Carter"
> Michael Sylvester  wrote:
> >I saw where you posed a question to me in the Tips  archives
> but I did
> >not receive the post in my regular  mail. I am preparing to
> take action
> >against Frostburg  State through the ACLU if my First
> amendment rights
> >are  been violated FSU could lose some federal funds.
> The only  question posed by Marc recently (as far as I can see) is the
>  following:
> > I lived in the Dominican Republic; baseball is bigger  there
> than it is
> >here, so naturally there are going to be  a lot of good
> players coming
> >out of there.  In what  way is that a bad thing?
> Why Michael follows his remark about  a question f  rom Marc
> with his reference to First Amendment  rights is unclear. It
> would make more sense in relation to Jim  Matiya's criticisms
> of Michael's language and tone in a couple of his  recent
> postings (see below) followed by Bill Southerly's  response,
> "This matter is being addressed".
> My  immediate reaction to Bill's comment was a concern that
> some action  was being considered in relation to Michael's
> comments that some  people (most I suggest) find offensive. My
> own feeling about such  comments is that if they are continued
> after objections have been made  (as in the case of his use of
> "chicks" for women), then subsequent  postings from Michael
> should be ignored.
> Of course we  don't know w
>  hat Bill meant by the matter being addressed, but I  think
> that (within limits - something of course difficult to
>  define) there should not be heavy-handed action against
> someone who  uses language most of us find offensive, or as in
> the following  instance, unworthy of a response:
> > Ken,Jim:
>  >Your posts are ridiculous. Are bystanders' apathy only reserved  for
> >white people?...
> >Obviously you all know nothing  about a black community.
> >Gimme a break. Keep your eurocentric  cognitive imperialistic
> analysis
> >in the classrom.  dude.
> Allen Esterson
> Former lecturer, Science  Department
> Southwark College, London
>  http://www.esterson.org
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  -----------
> -------
>  0A[tips] for Marc Carter
>  michael sylvester
> Thu, 01 Oct 2009 21:37:38 -0700
> I  saw where you posed a question to me in the Tips archives
> but I did  not receive the post in my regular mail. I am
> preparing to take action  against Frostburg State through the
> ACLU if my First amendment rights  are been violated FSU could
> lose some federal funds Anyway, re your  question about the
> Dominican Republic: yep,baseball is very popular in  the
> DR,Panama,Porto Rico and Nicaragua and they have produced
>  excellent players for baseball in the U.S so recruitment from
> those  countries would be a good idea.
> However,among  some Afro-American  scholars,the Central
> American irecruitment has helped to dil  ute  the hope and
> aspirations of many black youth in the U.S who aspire to  be
> players but view the Central American initiatives as
>  competing and puts them at an unfair disadvantage.
> Some Afro-American  scholars also see trhis as the
> Hispanization of the game-as if the  game had become too
> Africanized.Interestingly enough,most of those  players have
> African ancestry and would be considered as black  according
> to the U.S "one drop"
> rule.But
> Dominicans  are very racist in denying their African roots
> because of the "mulatto  escape hatch" concept.
> But more on this later.
> Hope this  helps.
> Michael Sylvester,PhD
> Daytona  Beach,Florida
>  --------------------------------------------------------------
>  -----------
>  -------
> RE: [tips]  NFL/Tuskegee flashback
> Marc Carter
> Thu, 01 Oct 2009 07:57:01  -0700
> I lived in the Dominican Republic; baseball is bigger  there
> than it is here, so naturally there are going to be a lot  of
> good players coming out of there.  In what way is that a bad  thing?
> --
> Marc Carter, PhD
> Associate Professor  and Chair
> Department of Psychology
> College of Arts &  Sciences
> Baker University
>  -----------------------------------------
> Re: [tips] Kitty  Genovese/The Windy City Bill Southerly Wed,
> 30 Sep 2009 14:30:28 -0700  FYI,
> This matter is being addressed.
>  Bill
> TIPS ListManager
>  -----------------------------------------------
> On Sep 30, 2009, at  12:01 PM, Jim Mati
>  ya wrote:
> >
>  >  Once again, we are subjected to Michaels' words that spread  hurt,
> > disappointment, and degrade a person. He has done this  consistently
> > over the past several years because he does not  agree with another
> > person's post. Just last week, several women  objected to his
> reference
> > of women as "chicks."
>  >
> >  Michael, you know nothing about who I am, where I  have
> lived and my
> > experiences. Yet, you feel you have the  right to criticize me and
> > others, because of their race, because  of their posts (too many
> > references, too many examples), because  of their sexuality.
> >
> >  Here is the link to the  complete video taken by a student
> at Fenger
> > High School.  Watch
>   it and make your own decisions. Be careful, it  is
> > difficult to watch. At 42 seconds into the video, Derrion  Albert is
> > hit with a board. I do not know what people 100-200  yards
> were doing.
> > The video does not show that.
>  >
> >  http://www.myfoxchicago.com/dpp/news/metro/weis_three_suspects
>  >
> >  I love TIPS and I enjoy all the wonderful people who  contribute
> > different ideas and strategies. Michaels' words are  mean and
> > degrading. I do not deserve to be spoken to in such a  tone
> nor do the
> > others. Last year a psychologist left the  list-serv because of
> his
> > posts. I don't want to do that,  but I am considering it.
> >
> > JIm
> >
>  > Jim Matiya <i.p.emwink.gif>
> > Florida Gulf  Co
>  ast University
> > jmat...@fgcu.edu
>  ---------------------------------------
> >  From:  msylves...@copper.net
> > To: tips@acsun.frostburg.edu
> >  Subject: [tips] Kitty Genovese/The Windy City
> > Date: Wed, 30 Sep  2009 00:36:25 -0400
> >
> >
> > Ken,Jim:
>  > Are you trying to say that there were no bystanders' apathy  because
> > two black gangs were involved?  Your posts are  ridiculous. Are
> > bystanders' apathy only reserved for white  people?
> > I saw the video too but the video did not capture folks  who
> were 100
> > or 200 yards away.
> > There were  ordinary people around and this fact has been a
> matter of
> >  discussion on the major news network.Obviously you all know nothing
>  > about a black community.Gimme
>   a break.
> >  Keep your eurocentric cognitive imperialistic analysis in the
> >  classrom.dude.
> >
> > Michael Sylvester,PhD
> >  Daytona Beach,Florida
> ---
> To make changes to  your subscription contact:
> Bill Southerly  (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

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