I just spent 2 hours I did NOT have for this project in making the corrections 
from the 7 pages' worth of errata that APA has posted.

I think there are still some errors and maybe someone here can explain these to 
me before I fire off an another angry email to APA.

The erratum says:
Chapter 2
page 25 - Indent the first paragraph of the example under the heading "Fourth 
paragraph: person to contact (mailing address, e-mail)".

But don't they really want us just to the indent the first line of that 
example, and not the whole thing?
The erratum says:
Page 47 - Figure 2.1, p. 12 of sample paper, second paragraph, line 9, chnge 
the hyphen "-1.90" to a minus sign and cluse up space next to the numeral :1: 

BUT, this is part of a statistical report that reads, "ts(23)<-1.90..." The t 
was in italics but not the s. What the heck does ts stand for? It's not listed 
in the abberviations anywhere in the manual and I've never heard of it. I 
thought they might want student's t statistic to now be recorded that way, but 
no, on the abbreviations page it says to abbreviate student's t as just the 
letter t. So what is ts all about? I cannot make italics in this email system, 
so just a reminder that the t always appears as an italic, but the s does not.
The erratum says:
p. 58 - Figure 2.3, p. 4 of sample paper, boldface heading Summary and 
variability of the overall effect. 

These words are in italics, which I cannot type in this email program. But 
shouldn't the italics be removed and regular font used? Is this not a 
continuation at the same level of subheadings as the previous ones?
The erratum says:
p. 59 - Figure 2.3, p. 6 of sample paper, in the Albarracin reference, delete 
"San Diego, CA: Academic Press"; move ...[references continue]" to next line. 

But does the doi reference then remain? It seems like it should go to right 
where the "San Diego, CA: Academic Press" was removed from. That's not at all 
The erratum says:
Page 209 - Section 7.07, in the motion picture template example, capitalize 

But shouldn't it just be the "O" in "origin" that needs to be capitalized and 
not the whole word?
The erratum says:
Page 234 - Figure 8.2...lots of changes

They missed on, in Section 8.14, Subsection (b) line 13, delete the hyphen in 

Ok, those are my potential corrections to their corrections.

Anyone able to explain or confirm my questions?


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

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