A major downfall of the Eurocentric paradigm is that functional autonomy can 
act as drive.
This is not to be taken in the same sense as the circular reason that was a 
major criticism of
the McDougal instinct theory,but the Eurocentric perspective offers no 
diversion to reformulation of hypotheses but simply find ways to accomodate new 
onder the same umbrella. In other words it does not challenge the preset 
Those preset assumptions are:
-phenomena can be analyzed into its basic components
-those basic components can be understood logically
-the logic involves sequencing that can only be understood through the 
parameters of defined
 scientific boundaries,

The Eurocentric paradigm has become the domain of  a few  academic oligarchs 
by the idea that basic research will lead to understanding.But it lacks the 
ability to show its relevance to improving human life on the planet.In others 
word  basic research has become functionally autonomous and may have more to do 
perseverating brain activity.The Golden Fleece awards were aimed at those 
activities involved in WOMBAT (Waste of money,brains,and time)
I first saw this  trend of functional autonomy acting as drive in two periods 
in the history of psychology - the scientist versus the practioner debate and 
the formulation of the APS
and its breakaway from the APA.
There is nothing wrong  functional autonomy acting as drive.After all people 
can enjoy
knowledge  for knowledge's sake. But knowledge does not necessary
mean truth .Ironically critical thinking skills are not certainties even though 
the approaches can become functionally autonomos and act as drive and 
self-entertaining. Whereas in most 
motivation paradigms there can be drive reduction or diversions to other 
pursuits,the funcional autonomy of the Eurocentric paradigm is a function pf 
the left brain activities which developed
has minimal role  for evolutionary man but provided entrapment and adaptation 
to domestication.Intelligence was never meant to be the be all and end all and 
this where
functional autonomy  of the Eurocentric paradigm has remained.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida

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