And this is relevant to my teaching of???????Political Behavior Analysis maybe? 

Gerald L. (Gary) Peterson, Ph.D. 
Professor, Department of Psychology 
Saginaw Valley State University 
University Center, MI 48710 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Palij" <>
To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" <>
Cc: "Mike Palij" <>
Sent: Saturday, October 17, 2009 10:03:51 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: [tips] When Medicine and Faith Clash

Some of you may be aware that there is a major battle going
on in the U.S. Congress over health insurance, who should it
cover, what it should cover, and how to keep the insurance
companies wealthy while bleeding the federal government dry
(that last bit is just a joke).

The process of making law has been likened to making
suasage (i.e., the result might be tasty but you really don't
want to know what they put in it), with amendments added to
bills to either correct definiciencies or remove existing 
protections (or just to be a pain in the ass of someone).
Consider the following blog entry in the Washington Post
titled "Health Funding for Science, Not Faith", see:

The article lists amendments proposed for the Baucus
Health Care Bill (which recently passed in the finance
committe with the support of one Republican Olympia
Snow).  Consider:

|First is the bipartisan amendment sponsored by Senators 
|Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) and John Kerry (D-Mass.). Under 
|current law, religious people who object to medical care 
|may have some "spiritual care" covered by Medicare and 
|Medicaid, including reimbursement for payments that Christian 
|Scientists make to members of the Church who pray for them 
|when they are ill. Numerous children have died while receiving 
|this "spiritual care," when modern science could easily have 
|saved their lives.


|We also oppose an amendment by Senator Mike Enzi 
|(R-Wyoming), which would allow doctors to deny patients 
|any care or information that violates the doctor's religious 
|beliefs. This violation of medical ethics is labeled with the 
|Orwellian term "Conscience Clause." This amendment 
|cruelly places the religious beliefs of practitioners such as 
|pharmacists above the medical needs of patients.


|Lastly, we object to an amendment by Senator Orrin 
|Hatch (R-Utah), requesting that funding for Title V 
|abstinence-only-until-marriage programs be restored. 
|Congress has already wasted $1.5 billion on such programs 
|since 1996, despite the fact that there is no evidence that 
|abstinence-only programs have been effective in stopping 
|or even delaying teen sex.

Given these amendments to only one of the bills (I believe that there
are two in the U.S. senate and four in the house of representatives)
I suggest that it might be worthwhile for people, especially
U.S. citizens, to be aware of what is in the ultimate health care
bill.  Unless, of course, you don't mind paying for someone
else religious beliefs with your health plan.

-Mike Palij
New York University

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