���From Stephen Black:
>"Make it a manual on pigeon-breeding! Forget the rest.
>Everyone loves pigeons--it'd be reviewed by every journal
>in the land".

>Unnamed publisher's reader on the MS for _ On the  Origin
>of Species_.

>From the poem, "A Pigeon Fancier's Manual" by Ruth Padel
> (Darwin's great-great-grandaughter), reprinted in _Science_,
>326, October 2, 2009, p. 49.

Another "poem" about Darwin:

“Darwinian man, though well behaved, at best is only a monkey shaved.”
W. S. Gilbert



Allen Esterson
Former lecturer, Science Department
Southwark College, London

[tips] Worst manuscript reader advice ever?
Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:45:20 -0700
"Make it a manual on pigeon-breeding! Forget the rest.
Everyone loves pigeons--it'd be reviewed by every journal in the

Unnamed publisher's reader on the MS for _ On the  Origin of

>From the poem, "A Pigeon Fancier's Manual" by Ruth Padel
 (Darwin's great-great-grandaughter), reprinted in _Science_,
326, October 2, 2009, p. 49.

See also

I tried to verify this quote and came up with another version of
the claim which seems authoritative (which means I believe it).

The misguided reader was the Reverend Whitwell Elwin who
"was appalled by what he read and in a letter to Murray
[Darwin's publisher] poured out his pain and hostility to Darwin´s
theories, advising Murray not to publish this controversial work.
He described it as `wild and foolish´ and instead suggested that
Darwin should write a book on pigeons. "Everybody is interested
in pigeons. The book would be received in every journal in the
kingdom and would soon be on every table."


Imagine if Darwin had taken his advice.


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