I so heartily second this.

This morning, in my spam folder, was an email from this person, which referred 
to the "perceived insulting nature" of his posts. 

AS IF the insult were a product of our "mis-perception" and not an accurate 
description of material vomited out in the most nasty, condescending and 
bigoted manner - all while hiding behind the guise of the cool, open-minded, 
hip and tolerant minority group member. As if bigots did not come in all 

It appears though that our pleas to have him removed, after years of this abuse 
and disrespect, continue to fall on deaf ears or blind eyes.

I am attached to this community and have no intention of quitting - every 
well-behaved member who quits is mark on his victory ledger. But it is an 
ordeal, like being held hostage, in a sense, to a non-stop torrent of 
narcissistic, abusive crap.

Nancy Melucci
Long Beach City College
Long Beach, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Pollak, Edward <epol...@wcupa.edu>
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS) <tips@acsun.frostburg.edu>
Sent: Thu, Oct 22, 2009 5:48 am
Subject: Re:[tips] listserv policy

Extinction hasn't worked because there always some list neophytes who will 
respond. So we're really dealing with some form of partial reinforcement and we 
all know the result of that vis a vis extinction. 
Listen, folks. In my particular universe, I am widely considered a loose canon 
who, according to one dean, "never had an unpublished thought." But this fellow 
is so far beyond even my exceedingly lax boundaries of good taste and propriety 
that I see no option other than expulsion.
Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Husband, father, grandfather, biopsychologist & bluegrass fiddler ...... in 
approximate order of importance.


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