I am curious as to tipsters' feelings about promoting adjuncts to full time 
positions. I personally feel that such a practice has its pluses and 
minuses.What I do not like about it is that many highly qualified people who 
may go through an exhaustive application process may not get a job because of 
an adjunct who may have an edge.I have seen many good applicants not given a 
job because of this.It would seem that being an adjunct is like  a pre-existing 
condition to getting some job security.Some schools in Florida have a penchant 
for promoting adjuncts to full
iime but they advertise positions as a  federal formality.Community colleges 
seem to be  the major culprits.And from my observation women adjuncts seem to 
be at an advantage.
Personally I feel that adjuncts should sign a pledge that they will not apply 
for any full time 
position openings. There are too many PhDs oit there who are trying to break 
into the academic market. The "Florida factor" is noticeable: some profs up 
North will apply for openings in Florida
and will take a pay cut just to be in the sunshine State and to party on the 
beach.On the other hand profs in Florida usually stay put,get laid back,and  
struggle to produce academic research.
For some being an adjunct in Florida is like being professor emeritus On the 
other hand because of the current economic conditions,institutions may favor 
promoting adjuncts.

Michael "omnicentric" Sylvester;PhD
 Wasting away in Margaritaville
Daytona Beach,Florida
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