1.Negative reinforcement -trying to be like physics wannabes
2.Fundamental attribution error-depends on if one lives in an individualistic 
3,Developmental stages- very vague;where does one stop and the other begins 
-continous or discrete
4.Intelligence-what is it? Whites think that it has to do with the 3Rs and 
abstract thinking
     The term should be abolished from the language
5. Statistical significance
6.Need for achievement (Nach)-McC;elland took this idea to India,it was a major 
7.Stimulus and Response-very difficult to distinguish: cannot have one without 
the other
8.Psychology as a science
9.Academic transfer-the idea that teaching critical thinking skills will turn 
out better students -most students just want a good grade.
10,Learning and conditioning.This takes the prize.There is no such thing as 
conditioning in the real world.As a matter of fact this is a topic that we can 
do without.Learning and conditioning  are artifacts of our domrstication.L and 
C do not exist in the real world of animals where everything
come about through fix action patterns.The closet to any form of learning that 
exist in the wild are tropisms and habituation.

Michael"omnicentric" Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida
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