I've been toying with the idea of replacing my computer.  But, it's 
proving to be
formidable and unnerving.  Everywhere I go and everything I read and everyone 
to whom I
talk indicate that all the files I've got backed up using Windows XP will be 
read on
Windows 7 or Mac, and all the programs I'm running on XP will run on 7 or Mac 
even with
some convoluted tweaking, that the new won't speak or easily speak to the old.  
They just
aren't all that compatible.  It almost sounds like I'd be trying to listen to 
my old LPs
on a DVD player.  Whether my fears are well founded or not, on this soggy 
morning that,
some stuff that happened--or did not happen--in class yesterday, and some 
journals entries
I've read this past week all have gotten me to thinking and wondering.  

        What's the shelf life of all this information we transmit, verse in, 
train for,
test, and grade?   What's the shelf life of such attitudes and habits and 
values as
trustworthiness, curiosity, commitment, perseverance, endurance, imagination, 
service, self-discipline, creativity, dedication, humility, respect, empathy, 
courage, authenticity, honesty, responsibility, fairness, and caring that we 
should be
advocating, promoting, instilling, and modeling?  

        Which will prove to be timely and which timeless in the shaping of 
information or character?

Make it a good day.


Louis Schmier                                http://www.therandomthoughts.com
Department of History  
Valdosta State University             
Valdosta, Georgia 31698                  /\   /\  /\               /\
(229-333-5947)                                /^\\/  \/  \    /\/\__/\  \/\
                                                        /     \/   \_ \/ /   \/ 
\      /\
                                                       //\/\/ /\    \_ 
/__/_/\_\    \_/__\
                                                /\"If you want to climb 
mountains,\ /\
                                            _ /  \    don't practice on mole 
hills" -

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