Allen Esterson wrote:
> ���������Chris: I note that the first online commenter suggests a solution to 
> such modern health afflictions:
> "During the plagues in Europe, the families that suffered the least 
> were those that used silver utensils. 

As I'm sure you have already deduced, Allen, those who had silver 
utensils to use were probably also the wealthiest folks who lived in the 
most spacious and sanitary conditions to start with, and who could leave 
town for their country places when the plague arrived. Imagine that? 
Along the same lines, I bet that those who wore  the fanciest hats also 
fared better against the plague, on average.

> I dug out my grandmother's set 
> two years ago and have not had a cold. flu, sore throat, or other 
> health problem and I work with cash and dirty dishes in a public 
> setting everyday."

Me, I use a dishwasher, which I like to think has as much effect on the 
bacterial condition of my utensils as whether or not they are made of 
silver. On the other hand, having silver utensil ready to hand is always 
useful for fending off surprise lycanthrope attacks. :-)


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


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